- PHP Tutorial
- PHP - Home
- PHP - Introduction
- PHP - Installation
- PHP - History
- PHP - Features
- PHP - Syntax
- PHP - Hello World
- PHP - Comments
- PHP - Variables
- PHP - Echo/Print
- PHP - var_dump
- PHP - $ and $$ Variables
- PHP - Constants
- PHP - Magic Constants
- PHP - Data Types
- PHP - Type Casting
- PHP - Type Juggling
- PHP - Strings
- PHP - Boolean
- PHP - Integers
- PHP - Files & I/O
- PHP - Maths Functions
- PHP - Heredoc & Nowdoc
- PHP - Compound Types
- PHP - File Include
- PHP - Date & Time
- PHP - Scalar Type Declarations
- PHP - Return Type Declarations
- PHP Operators
- PHP - Operators
- PHP - Arithmatic Operators
- PHP - Comparison Operators
- PHP - Logical Operators
- PHP - Assignment Operators
- PHP - String Operators
- PHP - Array Operators
- PHP - Conditional Operators
- PHP - Spread Operator
- PHP - Null Coalescing Operator
- PHP - Spaceship Operator
- PHP Control Statements
- PHP - Decision Making
- PHP - If…Else Statement
- PHP - Switch Statement
- PHP - Loop Types
- PHP - For Loop
- PHP - Foreach Loop
- PHP - While Loop
- PHP - Do…While Loop
- PHP - Break Statement
- PHP - Continue Statement
- PHP Arrays
- PHP - Arrays
- PHP - Indexed Array
- PHP - Associative Array
- PHP - Multidimensional Array
- PHP - Array Functions
- PHP - Constant Arrays
- PHP Functions
- PHP - Functions
- PHP - Function Parameters
- PHP - Call by value
- PHP - Call by Reference
- PHP - Default Arguments
- PHP - Named Arguments
- PHP - Variable Arguments
- PHP - Returning Values
- PHP - Passing Functions
- PHP - Recursive Functions
- PHP - Type Hints
- PHP - Variable Scope
- PHP - Strict Typing
- PHP - Anonymous Functions
- PHP - Arrow Functions
- PHP - Variable Functions
- PHP - Local Variables
- PHP - Global Variables
- PHP Superglobals
- PHP - Superglobals
- PHP - $_POST
- PHP - $_GET
- PHP - $_ENV
- PHP File Handling
- PHP - File Handling
- PHP - Open File
- PHP - Read File
- PHP - Write File
- PHP - File Existence
- PHP - Download File
- PHP - Copy File
- PHP - Append File
- PHP - Delete File
- PHP - Handle CSV File
- PHP - File Permissions
- PHP - Create Directory
- PHP - Listing Files
- Object Oriented PHP
- PHP - Object Oriented Programming
- PHP - Classes and Objects
- PHP - Constructor and Destructor
- PHP - Access Modifiers
- PHP - Inheritance
- PHP - Class Constants
- PHP - Abstract Classes
- PHP - Interfaces
- PHP - Traits
- PHP - Static Methods
- PHP - Static Properties
- PHP - Namespaces
- PHP - Object Iteration
- PHP - Encapsulation
- PHP - Final Keyword
- PHP - Overloading
- PHP - Cloning Objects
- PHP - Anonymous Classes
- PHP Web Development
- PHP - Web Concepts
- PHP - Form Handling
- PHP - Form Validation
- PHP - Form Email/URL
- PHP - Complete Form
- PHP - File Inclusion
- PHP - File Uploading
- PHP - Cookies
- PHP - Sessions
- PHP - Session Options
- PHP - Sending Emails
- PHP - Sanitize Input
- PHP - Post-Redirect-Get (PRG)
- PHP - Flash Messages
- PHP - AJAX Introduction
- PHP - AJAX Search
- PHP - AJAX XML Parser
- PHP - AJAX Auto Complete Search
- PHP - AJAX RSS Feed Example
- PHP - XML Introduction
- PHP - Simple XML Parser
- PHP - SAX Parser Example
- PHP - DOM Parser Example
- PHP Login Example
- PHP - Login Example
- PHP - Facebook Login
- PHP - Paypal Integration
- PHP - MySQL Login
- PHP Advanced
- PHP.INI File Configuration
- PHP - Array Destructuring
- PHP - Coding Standard
- PHP - Regular Expression
- PHP - Error Handling
- PHP - Try…Catch
- PHP - Bugs Debugging
- PHP - For C Developers
- PHP - For PERL Developers
- PHP - Frameworks
- PHP - Core PHP vs Frame Works
- PHP - Design Patterns
- PHP - Filters
- PHP - Exceptions
- PHP - Special Types
- PHP - Hashing
- PHP - Encryption
- PHP - is_null() Function
- PHP - System Calls
- PHP - HTTP Authentication
- PHP - Swapping Variables
- PHP - Closure::call()
- PHP - Filtered unserialize()
- PHP - IntlChar
- PHP - Expectations
- PHP - Use Statement
- PHP - Integer Division
- PHP - Deprecated Features
- PHP - Removed Extensions & SAPIs
- PHP - FastCGI Process
- PHP - PDO Extension
- PHP - Built-In Functions
- PHP Useful Resources
- PHP - Questions & Answers
- PHP - Quick Guide
- PHP - Useful Resources
- PHP - Discussion
PHP - Constant Arrays
It was not possible to declare a constant array before PHP version 5.6. From PHP 5.6 onwards, you can use the "const" keyword to declare a constant array. From PHP 7 onwards, constant arrays can also be formed with define() function.
A constant array is an array which cannot be modified after it has been formed. Unlike a normal array, its identifier doesn’t start with the "$" sign.
The older syntax for declaring constant array is −
const ARR = array(val1, val2, val3);
<?php const FRUITS = array( "Watermelon", "Strawberries", "Pomegranate", "Blackberry", ); var_dump(FRUITS); ?>
It will produce the following output −
array(4) { [0]=> string(10) "Watermelon" [1]=> string(12) "Strawberries" [2]=> string(11) "Pomegranate" [3]=> string(10) "Blackberry" }
You can also use the conventional square bracket syntax to declar a constant array in PHP −
const FRUITS = [ "Watermelon", "Strawberries", "Pomegranate", "Blackberry", ];
It is not possible to modify any element in a constant array. Hence, the following code throws a fatal error −
<?php const FRUITS = [ "Watermelon", "Strawberries", "Pomegranate", "Blackberry", ]; FRUITS[1] = "Mango"; ?>
It will produce the following output −
PHP Fatal error: Cannot use temporary expression in write context
Constant Arrays PHP 7 Onwards
The newer versions of PHP allow you to declare a constant array with define() function.
<?php define ('FRUITS', [ "Watermelon", "Strawberries", "Pomegranate", "Blackberry", ]); print_r(FRUITS); ?>
It will produce the following output −
Array ( [0] => Watermelon [1] => Strawberries [2] => Pomegranate [3] => Blackberry )
You can also use the array() function to declare the constant array here.
define ('FRUITS', array( "Watermelon", "Strawberries", "Pomegranate", "Blackberry", ));
It is also possible to declare an associative constant array. Here is an example −
<?php define ('CAPITALS', array( "Maharashtra" => "Mumbai", "Telangana" => "Hyderabad", "Gujarat" => "Gandhinagar", "Bihar" => "Patna" )); print_r(CAPITALS); ?>
It will produce the following output −
Array ( [Maharashtra] => Mumbai [Telangana] => Hyderabad [Gujarat] => Gandhinagar [Bihar] => Patna )
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