- PHP Tutorial
- PHP - Home
- PHP - Introduction
- PHP - Installation
- PHP - History
- PHP - Features
- PHP - Syntax
- PHP - Hello World
- PHP - Comments
- PHP - Variables
- PHP - Echo/Print
- PHP - var_dump
- PHP - $ and $$ Variables
- PHP - Constants
- PHP - Magic Constants
- PHP - Data Types
- PHP - Type Casting
- PHP - Type Juggling
- PHP - Strings
- PHP - Boolean
- PHP - Integers
- PHP - Files & I/O
- PHP - Maths Functions
- PHP - Heredoc & Nowdoc
- PHP - Compound Types
- PHP - File Include
- PHP - Date & Time
- PHP - Scalar Type Declarations
- PHP - Return Type Declarations
- PHP Operators
- PHP - Operators
- PHP - Arithmatic Operators
- PHP - Comparison Operators
- PHP - Logical Operators
- PHP - Assignment Operators
- PHP - String Operators
- PHP - Array Operators
- PHP - Conditional Operators
- PHP - Spread Operator
- PHP - Null Coalescing Operator
- PHP - Spaceship Operator
- PHP Control Statements
- PHP - Decision Making
- PHP - If…Else Statement
- PHP - Switch Statement
- PHP - Loop Types
- PHP - For Loop
- PHP - Foreach Loop
- PHP - While Loop
- PHP - Do…While Loop
- PHP - Break Statement
- PHP - Continue Statement
- PHP Arrays
- PHP - Arrays
- PHP - Indexed Array
- PHP - Associative Array
- PHP - Multidimensional Array
- PHP - Array Functions
- PHP - Constant Arrays
- PHP Functions
- PHP - Functions
- PHP - Function Parameters
- PHP - Call by value
- PHP - Call by Reference
- PHP - Default Arguments
- PHP - Named Arguments
- PHP - Variable Arguments
- PHP - Returning Values
- PHP - Passing Functions
- PHP - Recursive Functions
- PHP - Type Hints
- PHP - Variable Scope
- PHP - Strict Typing
- PHP - Anonymous Functions
- PHP - Arrow Functions
- PHP - Variable Functions
- PHP - Local Variables
- PHP - Global Variables
- PHP Superglobals
- PHP - Superglobals
- PHP - $_POST
- PHP - $_GET
- PHP - $_ENV
- PHP File Handling
- PHP - File Handling
- PHP - Open File
- PHP - Read File
- PHP - Write File
- PHP - File Existence
- PHP - Download File
- PHP - Copy File
- PHP - Append File
- PHP - Delete File
- PHP - Handle CSV File
- PHP - File Permissions
- PHP - Create Directory
- PHP - Listing Files
- Object Oriented PHP
- PHP - Object Oriented Programming
- PHP - Classes and Objects
- PHP - Constructor and Destructor
- PHP - Access Modifiers
- PHP - Inheritance
- PHP - Class Constants
- PHP - Abstract Classes
- PHP - Interfaces
- PHP - Traits
- PHP - Static Methods
- PHP - Static Properties
- PHP - Namespaces
- PHP - Object Iteration
- PHP - Encapsulation
- PHP - Final Keyword
- PHP - Overloading
- PHP - Cloning Objects
- PHP - Anonymous Classes
- PHP Web Development
- PHP - Web Concepts
- PHP - Form Handling
- PHP - Form Validation
- PHP - Form Email/URL
- PHP - Complete Form
- PHP - File Inclusion
- PHP - File Uploading
- PHP - Cookies
- PHP - Sessions
- PHP - Session Options
- PHP - Sending Emails
- PHP - Sanitize Input
- PHP - Post-Redirect-Get (PRG)
- PHP - Flash Messages
- PHP - AJAX Introduction
- PHP - AJAX Search
- PHP - AJAX XML Parser
- PHP - AJAX Auto Complete Search
- PHP - AJAX RSS Feed Example
- PHP - XML Introduction
- PHP - Simple XML Parser
- PHP - SAX Parser Example
- PHP - DOM Parser Example
- PHP Login Example
- PHP - Login Example
- PHP - Facebook Login
- PHP - Paypal Integration
- PHP - MySQL Login
- PHP Advanced
- PHP.INI File Configuration
- PHP - Array Destructuring
- PHP - Coding Standard
- PHP - Regular Expression
- PHP - Error Handling
- PHP - Try…Catch
- PHP - Bugs Debugging
- PHP - For C Developers
- PHP - For PERL Developers
- PHP - Frameworks
- PHP - Core PHP vs Frame Works
- PHP - Design Patterns
- PHP - Filters
- PHP - Exceptions
- PHP - Special Types
- PHP - Hashing
- PHP - Encryption
- PHP - is_null() Function
- PHP - System Calls
- PHP - HTTP Authentication
- PHP - Swapping Variables
- PHP - Closure::call()
- PHP - Filtered unserialize()
- PHP - IntlChar
- PHP - Expectations
- PHP - Use Statement
- PHP - Integer Division
- PHP - Deprecated Features
- PHP - Removed Extensions & SAPIs
- PHP - FastCGI Process
- PHP - PDO Extension
- PHP - Built-In Functions
- PHP Useful Resources
- PHP - Questions & Answers
- PHP - Quick Guide
- PHP - Useful Resources
- PHP - Discussion
PHP – System Calls
PHP's library of built-in function includes a category of functions that deal with invoking operating system utilities and external programs from within the PHP code. In this chapter, we shall discuss the PHP functions used to perform system calls.
The system() Function
The system() function is similar to the system() function in C that it executes the given command and outputs the result.
system(string $command, int &$result_code = null): string|false
The system() call tries to automatically flush the web server's output buffer after each line of output if PHP is running as a server module. It returns the last line of the command output on success, and false on failure.
The following PHP snippet invokes DIR command of Windows OS and displays the list of files in the current directory.
<?php echo '<pre>'; // Outputs all the result of DOS command "dir", and returns // the last output line into $last_line. Stores the return value // of the shell command in $retval. $last_line = system('dir/w', $retval); // Printing additional info echo ' </pre> <hr />Last line of the output: ' . $last_line . ' <hr />Return value: ' . $retval; ?>
It will produce the following output −
Volume in drive C has no label. Volume Serial Number is 7EE4-E492 Directory of C:\xampp\htdocs [.] [..] applications.html bitnami.css [dashboard] employee.csv favicon.ico hello.csv hello.html hello.php homepage.php [img] index.php [Langi] menu.php myform.php myname.php new.png new.txt test.php test.zip [TPcodes] uploadfile.php [webalizer] welcome.png [xampp] 18 File(s) 123,694 bytes 8 Dir(s) 168,514,232,320 bytes free Last line of the output: 8 Dir(s) 168,514,232,320 bytes free Return value: 0
The shell_exec() Function
The shell_exec() function is identical to PHP’s backtick operator. It executes the given command via shell and return the complete output as a string
shell_exec(string $command): string|false|null
The function returns a string containing the output from the executed command, false if the pipe cannot be established or null if an error occurs or the command produces no output.
In the following code, we use shell_exec() function to obtain a list of files with ".php" as the extension in the current directory −
<?php $output = shell_exec('dir *.php'); echo "<pre>$output</pre>"; ?>
It will produce the following output −
Volume in drive C has no label. Volume Serial Number is 7EE4-E492 Directory of C:\xampp\htdocs 10/26/2023 08:27 PM 73 hello.php 10/12/2023 10:40 AM 61 homepage.php 07/16/2015 09:02 PM 260 index.php 10/12/2023 10:39 AM 49 menu.php 09/25/2023 01:43 PM 338 myform.php 10/12/2023 10:49 AM 51 myname.php 10/26/2023 02:00 PM 369 test.php 09/25/2023 01:42 PM 555 uploadfile.php 8 File(s) 1,756 bytes 0 Dir(s) 168,517,771,264 bytes free
The exec() Function
The exec() function executes the given command as a string argument.
exec(string $command, array &$output = null, int &$result_code = null):string|false
The $output parameter, if specified, is an array that will be filled with every line of output from the command.
In this case, we use exec() function to call whoami command from inside the program. The whoami command returns the username.
<?php // outputs the username that owns the running php/httpd process // (on a system with the "whoami" executable in the path) $output=null; $retval=null; exec('whoami', $output, $retval); echo "Returned with status $retval and output:\n"; var_dump($output); ?>
It will produce the following output −
Returned with status 0 and output: array(1) { [0]=> string(13) "gnvbgl3\mlath" }
The passthru() Function
The passthru() function executes an external program and display raw output. Though the passthru() function is similar to the exec() or system() function in that it executes a command, it should be used in their place when the output from the OS command is binary data which needs to be passed directly back to the browser.
A PHP program that uses passthu() function to display the contents of system PATH environment variable
passthru(string $command, int &$result_code = null): ?false <?php passthru ('PATH'); ?>
It will produce the following output −
PATH=C:\Python311\Scripts\;C:\Python311\;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS; C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\; C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\xampp\php;C:\Users\mlath\AppData\Local \Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\VSCode\Microsoft VS Code\bin
Backtick Operator
PHP supports one execution operator: backticks (``). (they are not single-quotes!) PHP will attempt to execute the contents of the backticks as a shell command; the output will be returned. Use of the backtick operator is identical to shell_exec().
Take a look at the following example −
<?php $output = `dir *.php`; echo "<pre>$output</pre>"; ?>
It will produce the following output −
Volume in drive C has no label. Volume Serial Number is 7EE4-E492 Directory of C:\xampp\htdocs 10/26/2023 08:42 PM 61 hello.php 10/12/2023 10:40 AM 61 homepage.php 07/16/2015 09:02 PM 260 index.php 10/12/2023 10:39 AM 49 menu.php 09/25/2023 01:43 PM 338 myform.php 10/12/2023 10:49 AM 51 myname.php 10/26/2023 02:00 PM 369 test.php 09/25/2023 01:42 PM 555 uploadfile.php 8 File(s) 1,744 bytes 0 Dir(s) 168,471,289,856 bytes free
The backtick operator is disabled when shell_exec() is disabled.
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